Whether this will be your first time on a track, you are new to track days, or it’s been a while since you did an event, participating can be an intimidating experience. Willow Springs Raceway is not called the “fastest track in the west” for no reason. At West Coast HPDE we understand this and are here to make your track experience a good one.
Van track tour Session/Track familiarization session
Coaches drive novice entrants around the track in a van or SUV to familiarize them with the racing line (the path you should follow), braking/shifting points, corner worker locations, and the track, in general.
Classroom Chalk Talk
We provide an orientation meeting that covers the basic track information you need to know to have a safe and fun event. Track entry, exit, corners, passing zones, and more will be addressed. This is also a great time for any first-timer questions. All green novice group drivers are required to attend.
Coaches Ride with Entrants
A West Coach HPDE coach rides with each first-time novice for the first several laps of their first session.
Coaches Included With Your Registration Fee
The West Coast HPDE coaches are available for “right seat” instruction throughout the event. Many of our coaches are current or previous racers and are certified coaches for various manufacturers. They will evaluate you in the car while on track. After the session, the coach will do a one-on-one with you to discuss areas for improvement. This is also a great time to ask any additional questions you may have after being on the track.
Should you ask the coach to take the wheel for a few laps? Our coaches have a lot of track and coaching experience. It may be helpful to see someone with experience drive for a few laps. Their only goal is to help you. They will be very familiar with the track and able to show the race line better than by just describing it.